Jia Xu

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Ph.D.

School of Computer Science

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Big Data Security & Intelligent Processing

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Address:    528 Computer Science Building, 9 Wenyuan Road, Nanjing, China
Zip code:  210023
Email:     xujia@njupt.edu.cn


I am looking for well motivated students to work on cutting-edge research projects. Both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome! If you are interested, please send me your CV.

There are post-doctoral positions in 2023, and I am looking for partners.

If you are interested, please send me your CV.


Mar.2024 Our paper "Personalized Privacy-Preserving Routing Mechanism Design in Payment Channel Networks" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Computer Science and Technology.
Mar.2024 Our paper "Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Scheduling Approach for Mobile Charging in Internet of Electric Vehicles" has been accepted for publication in IEEE  Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Feb.2024 Our paper "On Exploring the Carrying-Charging Demand Balance in Cruising Route Recommendation for Vacant Electric Taxis" has been accepted for publication in IEEE  Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Dec.2023 Our paper "A Bayesian Game based Bidding Scheme for Mobile Charging Services in IoEV" has been accepted for publication in IEEE  Transactions on Services Computing.
Nov.2023 Our paper "A Placement Strategy for Idle Mobile Charging Stations in IoEV: From the View of Charging Demand Force" has been accepted for publication in IEEE  Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Aug.2023 Our paper "Robust Fault-tolerant Placement of Wireless Chargers for Directional Charging" has been accepted for publication in IEEE  Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Jul.2023 Our paper "A Cloud-edge-end Collaboration Framework for Cruising Route Recommendation of Vacant Taxis" has been accepted for publication in IEEE  Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Apr.2023 Our paper "PAD: Towards Principled Adversarial Malware Detection Against Evasion Attacks" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
Mar.2023 Our paper "Defense Against Underwater Spy-robots: A Distributed Anti-Theft Topology Control Mechanism for Insecure UASN" has been accepted for publication in Computers & Security.
Feb.2023 Our paper "Optimizing Comprehensive Cost of Charger Deployment in Multi-hop Wireless Charging" has been accepted for publication in ACM  Transactions on Sensor Networks.
Feb.2023 Our paper "Providing Active Charging Services: An Assignment Strategy with Profit-Maximizing Heat Maps for Idle Mobile Charging Stations" has been accepted for publication in IEEE  Transactions on Mobile Computing.


Algorithmic Network Economics
Edge Computing
Wireless Charging


Pengcheng Zhao, Lijie Xu, Jia Xu*, "Personalized Privacy-Preserving Routing Mechanism Design in Payment Channel Networks,"  Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2024, DOI:10.1007/s11390-024-2635-5. 

Linfeng Liu , Zhuo Huang , Jia Xu*, "Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Scheduling Approach for Mobile Charging in Internet of Electric Vehicles,"  IEEE  Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2024.3373410. 

Linfeng Liu, Jiaqi Yan, Jia Xu*, "On Exploring the Carrying-Charging Demand Balance in Cruising Route Recommendation for Vacant Electric Taxis,"  IEEE  Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2024.3364654. 

Linfeng Liu, Zhipeng Zhang, Jia Xu*, Ping Wang, "A Bayesian Game based Bidding Scheme for Mobile Charging Services in IoEV,"  IEEE  Transactions on Services Computing, 2024,17(2):349-363.  

Linfeng Liu, Su Liu, Jiagao Wu, Jia Xu*, "A Placement Strategy for Idle Mobile Charging Stations in IoEV: From the View of Charging Demand Force,"  IEEE  Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3329453. 

Jia Xu, Kaijun Zhou, Sixu Wu, Haipeng Dai, Lijie Xu, Linfeng Liu*, "Robust Fault-tolerant Placement of Wireless Chargers for Directional Charging," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024,23(5):5295-5309. 

Linfeng Liu, Yaoze Zhou, Jia Xu*, “A Cloud-edge-end Collaboration Framework for Cruising Route Recommendation of Vacant Taxis,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024,23(5):4678-4693. 

Deqiang Li, Shicheng Cui, Yun Li, Jia Xu, Fu Xiao, Shouhuai Xu, “PAD: Towards Principled Adversarial Malware Detection Against Evasion Attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2024,21(2):920-936. 

Linfeng Liu, Yaoze Zhou, Zhiyuan Xi, Jiagao Wu, Jia Xu*, "Defense Against Underwater Spy-robots: A Distributed Anti-Theft Topology Control Mechanism for Insecure UASN," Computers & Security, DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2023.103214, 2023,129(103214), 

Sixu Wu, Lijie Xu, Haipeng Dai, Linfeng Liu, Fu Xiao, Jia Xu*, “Optimizing Comprehensive Cost of Charger Deployment in Multi-hop Wireless Charging,” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2023,19(4):1-24, 10.1145/3584950, 2023, 

Linfeng Liu, Houqian Zhang, Jia Xu*, Ping Wang, "Providing Active Charging Services: An Assignment Strategy with Profit-Maximizing Heat Maps for Idle Mobile Charging Stations," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024,23(3):2139-2152.

Sixu Wu, Haipeng Dai, Linfeng Liu, Lijie Xu, Fu Xiao, Jia Xu*, “Cooperative Scheduling for Directional Wireless Charging with Spatial Occupation,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, 23(1): 286-301.

Yong Jin, Jia Xu*, Lijie Xu, Linfeng Liu, Fu Xiao. “Customized Scheduling for Shared Bus with Deadlines,” Software: Practice and Experience, 2022:1-23, doi: 10.1002/spe.3145. 

Hamza Djigal, Jia Xu*, Linfeng Liu, Yan Zhang, “Machine and Deep Learning for Resource Allocation in Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2022,24(4):2449-2494. 

Lijie Xu, Haodong Sha, Mingxiang Da, Jia Xu*, Haipeng Dai, “Spatio-Temporal Mobile Cooperative Charging for Low-Power Wireless Rechargeable Devices,” IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), October 20-22, 2022, Denver, Colorado. 

Linfeng Liu, Zhiyuan Xi, Jiagao Wu, Jia Xu*, “Noise-based-Protection Message Dissemination Method for Insecure Opportunistic Underwater Sensor Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2022, 17:1610-1623. 

Hamza Djigal, Linfeng Liu, Jian Luo, Jia Xu*, “BUDA: Budget and Deadline Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Task Graphs in Heterogeneous Systems,” IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 10-12, June, 2022. 

Jia Xu, Zhuangye Luo, Chengcheng Guan, Dejun Yang, Linfeng Liu*, Yan Zhang, “Hiring a Team from Social Network: Incentive Mechanism Design for Two-tiered Social Mobile Crowdsourcing,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023, 22(8):4664-4681. 

Sixu Wu, Haipeng Dai, Lijie Xu, Linfeng Liu, Fu Xiao, Jia Xu*, “Comprehensive Cost Optimization for Charger Deployment in Multi-hop Wireless Charging,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023, 22(8):4563-4577. 

Linfeng Liu, Xin Qi, Zhiyuan Xi, Jiagao Wu, Jia Xu*, "Charging-expense Minimization through Assignment Rescheduling of Movable Charging Stations in Electric Vehicle Networks,"  IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2022, 23(10):17212-17223. 

Linfeng Liu, Zhipeng Zhang, Jiagao Wu, Jia Xu*, "Entropy Optimization of Degree Distributions against Security Threats in UASNs," Computer Networks, 2022, 205, 108747. 

Linfeng Liu, Houqian Zhang, Jiagao Wu, Jia Xu*, "Message Piece Dissemination Approach for Opportunistic Underwater Sensor Network Invaded by Underwater Spy-robots,"  Software: Practice and Experience, 2022, 52(5):1242-1261.

Jia Xu, Yuanhang Zhou, Gongyu Chen, Yuqing Ding, Dejun Yang, Linfeng Liu*, "Topic-aware Incentive Mechanism for Task Diffusion in Mobile Crowdsourcing through Social Network,"  ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2022, 22(1): 1-23.

Weifeng Lu, Weiduo Wu, Jia Xu*, Pengcheng Zhao, Dejun Yang, Lijie Xu, " Auction Design for Cross-edge Task Offloading in Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Clouds ,"    Computer Communications, 2022, 181: 90-101.

Zhuangye Luo. Jia Xu*, Pengcheng Zhao, Dejun Yang, Lijie Xu, Jian Luo, " Towards High Quality Mobile Crowdsensing: Incentive Mechanism Design based on Fine-grained Ability Reputation ,"    Computer Communications, 2021, 180: 197-209.

Linfeng Liu, Zhiyuan Xi, JIagao Wu, Jia Xu*, " Adaptive Data Dissemination Algorithm based on Storing-Discarding Equilibrium for OUSNs ,"  IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2022, 15(6):3129-3142.

Lingyun Jiang, Pengfei Sun, Jia Xu*, Dejun Yang, Lijie Xu, Yu SHi, " Cooperative Package Assignment for Heterogeneous Express Stations ," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2022,23(7):8467-8476. 

Weifeng Lu, Shitao Zhang, Jia Xu*, Dejun Yang, Lijie Xu, " Truthful Multi-resource Transaction Mechanism for P2P Task Offloading based on Edge Computing ,"    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2021,70(6):6122-6135.

Lingyun Jiang, Xiaofu Niu, Jia Xu*, Dejun Yang, Lijie Xu, " Incentive Mechanism Design for Truth Discovery in Crowdsourcing with Copiers ,"  IEEE Transactions on Services Computing,  2022,15(5): 2838 – 2853.

Jia Xu, Yuanhang Zhou, Yuqing Ding, Dejun Yang, Lijie Xu, " Bi-objective Robust Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Crowdsensing ,"  IEEE Internet of Things Journal,  2021, 8(19):14971-14984.

Jia Xu, Suyi Hu, Sixu Wu, Kaijun Zhou, Haipeng Dai, Lijie Xu, " Cooperative Charging as Service: Scheduling for Mobile Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks ,"  41st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),  July 7-July 10, 2021

Jia Xu, Gongyu Chen, Yuanhang Zhou, Zhengqiang Rao, Dejun Yang, Cuihua Xie, " Incentive Mechanisms for Large-scale Crowdsourcing Task Diffusion based on Social Influence ,"  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, 70(4):3731-3745.

Yong Jin, Jia Xu*, Sixu Wu, Lijie Xu, Dejun Yang, Kaijian Xia, " Bus network assisted drone scheduling for sustainable charging of wireless rechargeable sensor network ,"  Journal of Systems Architecture, 2021, 116, 102059.

Weifeng Lu, Zhihao Ren, Jia Xu*, Siguang Chen, " Edge Blockchain Assisted Lightweight Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation for Smart Grid ,"  IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2021,18(2): 1246-1259 .

Yong Jin, Jia Xu*, Sixu Wu, Lijie Xu, Dejun Yang, " Enabling the Wireless Charging via Bus Network: Route Scheduling for Electric Vehicles ,"  IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , 2021,22(3):1827-1839 .

Gang Xue, Jia Xu*, Hanwen Wu, Weifeng Lu, Lijie Xu, "Incentive Mechanism for Rational Miners in Bitcoin Mining Pool," Information Systems Frontiers, 2021,23(2):317-327.

Yuhui Zhang, Ming Li, Dejun Yang, Jian Tang, Guoliang Xue, Jia Xu, "Trade-off Between Location Quality and Privacy in Crowdsensing: An Optimization Perspective," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, 2020, pp.3535-3544.

Jia Xu, Yongqi Wu, Xiapu Luo, Dejun Yang, "Improving the Efficiency of Blockchain Applications with Smart Contract based Cyber-insurance", IEEE ICC 2020, 7-11 June 2020, Dublin, Ireland.videovideo

Yang Liu, Hongsheng Wang, Mugen Peng,  Jianfeng Guan, Jia Xu,  Yu Wang, "DeePGA: A Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Game in Crowdsensing via Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 5, 2020, pp.4113-4127.

Jia Xu, Chengcheng Guan, Haipeng Dai, Dejun Yang, Lijie Xu, Jianyi Kai, "Incentive Mechanisms for Spatio-temporal Tasks in Mobile Crowdsensing", IEEE MASS 2019, Monterey, CA, USA, November 4-7, 2019.Paper: Report: Slide:

Weifeng Lu, Xiaoqiang Ren, Jia Xu*, Siguang Chen, Lijing Yang, Jian Xu, "DUE Distribution and Pairing in D2D Communication", IEEE ICCCN, 2019.7.29-2019.8.1, Valencia, Spain. Paper: Slide:

Jia Xu, Zhengqiang Rao, Lijie Xu, Dejun Yang and Tao Li, "Incentive Mechanism for Multiple Cooperative Tasks with Compatible Users in Mobile Crowd Sensing via Online Communities," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.   2020,19(7):1618-1633.

Lingyun Jiang, Xiaofu Niu, Jia Xu*, Dejun Yang, Lijie Xu, Incentivizing the Workers for Truth Discovery in Crowdsourcing with Copiers. IEEE ICDCS. Dallas, Texas, USA, July 7-10, 2019. Paper: Report: Slide:

Bingqing Luo, Jia Xu, Zhixin Sun, Neighbor discovery latency in bluetooth low energy networks, Wireless Netw (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-018-1864-3

Jia Xu, Chengcheng Guan, haobo Wu, Dejun Yang, Lijie Xu, Tao Li. Online Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsourcing based on Two-tiered Social Crowdsourcing Architecture. IEEE SECON. Hongkong, June 11-13, 2018.

Weifeng Lu, Xin Zheng, Jia Xu, Siguang Chen and Lijun Yang. Improving Physical Layer Security and Efficiency in D2D Underlay Communication. Wireless Networks (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-018-1747-7.

Jia Xu, Wei Lu, Lijie Xu, Dejun Yang, Tao Li. Incentive Mechanisms for Mobile Crowd Sensing based on Supply-demand Relationship. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2019,12(3):577-588.

Xu L, Yang G, Xu J, et al. Achieving adaptive broadcasting performance tradeoff for energy-critical sensor networks: a bottom-up approach. Computer Networks, 2018,136: 155-170.

XU Li-jie, YANG Geng, XU Jia, WANG Lei, CHEN Gui-Hai. An Efficient Broadcast Scheduling Algorithm with Adaptive Performance Requirements for Low Duty Cycle Sensor Networks. CHINESE JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, 2019, 42(2): 138-157.

Jian Lin, Dejun Yang, Ming Li, Jia Xu, Guoliang Xue. Frameworks for Privacy-Preserving Mobile Crowdsensing Incentive Mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2018,17(8):1851-1864.

Jia Xu, Zhengqiang Rao, Lijie Xu, Dejun Yang, Tao Li. Mobile Crowd Sensing via Online Communities: Incentive Mechanisms for Multiple Cooperative Tasks. in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS), Orlando, Florida, USA, on October 22-25, 2017.

Jia Xu, Jian-Ren Fu, De-Jun Yang, Li-Jie Xu, Lei Wang, Tao Li. FIMI:A Constant Frugal Incentive Mechanism for Time Window Coverage in Mobile Crowdsensing. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2017:32 (5): 919-935.

Jia Xu, Hui Li, Yanxu Li, Dejun Yang, Tao Li. Incentivizing the Biased Requesters: Truthful Task Assignment Mechanisms in Crowdsourcing.  in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking(IEEE SECON), 12-14 June 2017, San Diego, CA USA . pp.1-9.

Tao Li, Wubai Zhou, Chunqiu Zeng, Qing Wang, Qifeng Zhou, Dingding Wang, Jia Xu, Yue Huang, Wentao Wang, Minjing Zhang, Steve Luis, Shu-Ching Chen, Naphtali Rishe. DI-DAP: An Efficient Disaster Information Delivery and Analysis Platform in Disaster Management. in Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 2016: 1593-1602. 

Jian Lin, Dejun Yang, Ming Li, Jia Xu, Guoliang Xue. BidGuard: A Framework for Privacy-Preserving Crowdsensing Incentive Mechanisms.  in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security(IEEE CNS), 17-19 October 2016, Philadelphia, PA USA .

Lijie Xu, Geng Yang, Lei Wang, Jia Xu, Baowei Wang. Opportunistic broadcasting for low-power sensor networks with adaptive performance requirements. Wireless Networks, 2017:1-21,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11276-017-1473-6

Jia Xu, Jinxin Xiang, Yanxu Li. Incentivize Maximum Continuous Time Interval Coverage under Budget Constraint in Mobile Crowd Sensing.  Wireless Networks, 2017:23(5), 1549-1562.

Jia Xu, Jinxin Xiang, Dejun Yang. Incentive Mechanisms for Time Window Dependent Tasks in Mobile Crowdsensing.  IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2015,14(11):6353-6364 .

Jia XU, Zhi LI, Qian-mu LI, Feng-yu LIU, An adaptive clustering routing transition protocol in ad hoc networks, Computer Communications, Volume 31 ,  Issue 10  (June 2008) 1952-1960.